Where does the Macro Planner fit in?
In the context of different planning levels and our vision at bisonaire, we distinguish between the strategic, tactical and operational levels. The DELMIA Quintiq Macro Planner is located in the strategic to tactical planning horizon and thus plays a role in the S&OP process as well as in SCM.
In the overall planning context, the Macro Planner must be distinguished from the DELMIA Quintiq Demand Planner and the Company Planner. While the Demand Planner provides the input (forecast), the Company Planner is responsible for the more detailed production planning and order commitment after the planning of the procurement plan, stocking plan, etc. The Company Planner is also responsible for the detailed production planning and order commitment.

When is the Macro Planner useful for you?
Your network planning across many different locations, suppliers, warehouses and customers is very complex, resulting in a lot of effort in planning material flows in the network?
You want to ensure that your planning can react quickly and flexibly to unforeseen events and would like to set up and compare different scenarios during planning?
You have integrated your most important company KPI’s into the planning of your supply chain, so that every planning decision can be evaluated directly on the basis of the selected KPI’s?
You do not have an optimization algorithm for the planning of your supply chain to optimize your KPI’s, to save time in planning and thus to be able to act more flexible and faster?
You have a high effort to adjust your overall planning to certain products (e.g. high margin products) for certain times (e.g. seasonal products)?
If the above questions are on your mind, DELMIA Quintiq Macro Planner is probably the tool that will help you with your daily planning challenges.

Why is the Macro Planner useful for you?
As a tactical planning tool, Macro Planner enables:
- Control of working capital
- Increase of profit
- Strategic (financial) planning
- Sales and distribution planning
- Production planning
- Increasing customer satisfaction
- Procurement planning of raw materials
- Product mix optimization
- Overall planning
- Transportation planning

How does the Macro Planner create benefits?
- KPI-driven supply chain planning
Planning decisions in Macro Planner are focused on improving strategic business goals. Key planning KPIs are visible at all times and are continuously improved with each planning decision. In addition, different trade-offs between conflicting goals (e.g., profit, working capital, fulfillment) can be configured in the strategies for the optimizer.
- Network design
Macro Planner supports network design as well as flow planning over that network. Resources can be anything from vehicles to people and machines. Products can be goods, services or work packages. Macro Planner is thus a very generic tool to support planning decisions in a wide range of industries.
- Scenario Modeling and Analysis
Depending on the planning environment in which Macro Planner is used, it is important to be able to generate versions of the same plan and compare them afterwards (What- If scenarios).
- Discrete scheduling
It is important that planning in Macro Planner is discrete in time. This means that a decision is made for a complete period of time. The planning is based on several subsequent periods in order to anticipate future requirements and capacities.
- Rolling planning horizon
Planning in Macro Planner does not usually start from scratch. Instead, existing plans are reviewed over a rolling planning horizon in a periodic cycle.

Experience the possibilities
To help you understand the power and flexibility of DELMIA Quintiq Macro Planner, we offer a free, no-obligation demo. In this customized presentation, we will demonstrate how Macro Planner can optimize your long-term planning and be customized to your company’s specific needs. Take this opportunity to ask questions and find out how together we can revolutionize your strategic planning. Contact us today to schedule your personal demo.