
DELMIA Quintiq

Operational excellence in business requires smooth collaboration within the entire value network. DELMIA Quintiq offers solutions for this that link virtual modeling and simulation with the real world of operations. This creates a comprehensive solution for all players within the value network, from suppliers to manufacturers, logistics and transportation service providers, service providers and workforces.

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    Work smarter, not harder.

    DELMIA Quintiq Solutions

    DELMIA Quintiq is one of the leading software solutions in supply chain planning and optimization. It provides companies with end-to-end supply chain modeling solutions to align operational and business objectives, using world-record optimization technology. Like all DELMIA products, DELMIA Quintiq connects the virtual and real worlds, enabling companies to create a so-called “digital twin” of their supply chain.

    Tactical planning

    Macro Planner

    DELMIA Quintiq Macro Planner is a strategic planning tool that enables companies to optimize their production processes in the long term and get the maximum benefit from their resources. With powerful features, seamless integration and adaptable solutions, Macro Planner is ideal for future-oriented planning. Benefit from our expertise and comprehensive service offering to successfully implement and use DELMIA Quintiq Macro Planner in your organization.

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    Demand Planning

    Demand Planner

    DELMIA Quintiq Demand Planner is an innovative planning tool for optimizing demand forecasting and inventory planning. With advanced features, artificial intelligence and customizable models, Demand Planner enables accurate forecasting and data-driven decisions to increase customer satisfaction and reduce costs.

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    Rough planning

    Company Planer

    DELMIA Company Planner optimizes production processes through efficient use of resources, cost minimization and precise planning. As an experienced partner, we offer individual consulting, training and continuous support during implementation. Together, we take your production planning to the next level.

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    Detailed planning

    Casting Scheduler

    DELMIA Quintiq Casting Scheduler is a powerful scheduling tool specifically designed for the foundry industry to optimize production processes and increase efficiency. With advanced features and artificial intelligence, the Casting Scheduler enables optimal planning and control of foundry operations. It offers flexibility and adaptability to be tailored to individual requirements and business processes.

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    Detailed planning


    DELMIA Quintiq Scheduler is a powerful scheduling tool that helps companies optimize their production processes and make efficient use of resources. With seamless integration, improved transparency and data-driven decision making, the Scheduler provides valuable insights and agile planning capabilities. Benefit from our implementation expertise and comprehensive service offering, including customized training and ongoing support.

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    Staff planning

    Workforce Planner

    DELMIA Quintiq Workforce Planner is an innovative scheduling tool for optimizing workforce planning in enterprises. With advanced features, artificial intelligence and customizable models, the Workforce Planner enables efficient allocation of staff resources and intelligent shift planning to balance workload and increase employee satisfaction.

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    cleverly combined!

    Order Combiner

    As an experienced provider of supply chain management solutions, we are proud to introduce the DELMIA Quintiq Order Combiner. With our extensive experience in implementing DELMIA Quintiq solutions, we are the ideal partner to introduce the Order Combiner to your organization. In this article you will learn more about the features and benefits of the Order Combiner and how a demo can be arranged for you.

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    Charge makeup

    Blending Solution

    Recycling is becoming increasingly important due to rising raw material and energy prices. The bisonaire Blending Solution makes it possible to increase the use of recycled material and thus reduce the use of pure alloy components by optimizing the combination possibilities from the available raw material and scrap stock.

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    MES and digital transformation

    DELMIA Apriso

    DELMIA Apriso is a powerful Manufacturing Execution System (MES) platform for optimizing, managing, and monitoring manufacturing processes. The platform offers real-time production monitoring, product quality improvement, flexibility and scalability, and the reduction of downtime. As a longtime and certified DELMIA partner, our expert team has extensive experience in implementing and customizing the platform, providing comprehensive consulting, training, and technical support. The transition to DELMIA Apriso represents a significant step towards digital transformation and increased competitiveness.

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